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As your Supervisor, I’ve concentrated on improving the quality of life for everyone in our community.  The issues of homelessness, crime, creating jobs and protecting neighborhoods are my focus since my election in 2019.  My experience as a Fresno City Councilmember and small business owner gives me the knowledge and skills to be an effective representative and a strong voice for you on the Board of Supervisors.

I was born and raised in Fresno County, graduated from California State University with a B.A. degree and owned a small business for over 20 years.  I am committed to quality education and good paying jobs for our community.

I’ve been a strong voice for public safety, business owners and taxpayers.   I wrote the Anti-Slum Enforcement Team ordinance, holding slumlords responsible for keeping their properties safe and clean, the No Camping Ordinance to address homelessness and a voter approved ballot measure requiring a balanced budget for local government. 

My record of tackling tough issues and success has earned me the endorsements of Fresno Sheriff John Zanoni, District Attorney Lisa Smittcamp, former Supervisor Susan Anderson, Former Sheriff Margaret Mims, and the Fresno Deputy Sheriffs’ Association.  

I’d appreciate your vote.

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Brandau for Supervisor 2024
5200 N Palm Ave, Suite 306
Fresno, CA 93704

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