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Meet Steve

Steve Brandau was born and raised in Selma, also known as the “Raisin Capital of the World”. He moved to Clovis to attend Fresno State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Fresno State University, with a major in English with a minor in History. Steve later moved to the City of Fresno where he has lived for almost thirty years, and where he created his own small business that serves customers from Visalia to Merced.

Steve first sought elected office in 2012, where he won the District 2 seat on the Fresno City Council after a hotly-contested race. Steve ran grassroots campaign with a platform of supporting local businesses and making Fresno as competitive as possible, two issues that remain a cornerstone of his governing philosophy. An advocate for limited government, he believes the best thing government can do is cut red tape and lower taxes, allowing commerce and business ownership to thrive.

Steve has developed a track record defending the rights of North Fresno neighborhoods to preserve their zoning and density against the political agenda to force high-density development through General Plan policy, and for fighting for equal distribution of tax dollars after decades of those dollars being siphoned away from North Fresno residents to projects they never saw benefit from.

Steve was elected as District 2 Supervisor on the Fresno County Board of Supervisors following a special election to fill its vacancy in April 2019 and re-elected to a full term in 2020, where he remains committed to supporting and growing our business community and providing the services that North Fresno County residents expect from their County Government. Among his County appointments, Steve sits on the boards of the San Joaquin River Conservancy, Fresno County Economic Development Corporation, Fresno County Transportation Authority, Fresno County LAFCo, Fresno-Madera Agency on Aging, the Law Library Board of Trustees, and the San Joaquin Valley Insurance Authority.

Paid for by:
Brandau for Supervisor 2024
5200 N Palm Ave, Suite 306
Fresno, CA 93704

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